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Keep dive fit

with exercises and yoga




The Yogic Path

YogaNdive provides a profound experience that unites the Science of Yoga with the therapeutic aspects of Scuba diving. 

At the core of this ancient philosophy lie the Eight Limbs of Yoga, a comprehensive system designed to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit, leading to inner peace and liberation.

In combining Yoga and Diving, we connect to our breath, our life force. 

According to Patanjali Pranayama ,defines one of the 8 limbs of Yoga, as the control of the Life force that aims at increasing vital energy, our Prana.

Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prānāyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhāranā, Dhyāna, and Samādhi

Each step builds upon the previous one, culminating in a deeper understanding of the self. It is common in Europe for people to leap directly to Step 3 (Asana) without giving due consideration to Steps 1 and 2. In reality, the Yama and Niyama serve as the very foundation of a yoga journey.

As  professional divers and yogis we have a profound understanding of both practices and we have put together sequences with specifics y techniques like Pranayamas (breathing exercises), Sequences of Asanas (body postures), body locks (bandhas) , Visualisation (dristis) and Meditation (dhyana) to prepare your mind, body and spirit to immerse yourself  to get the very best out of every dives.


The Dive Experience

Learn to Scuba Dive and improve your Diving with the ancient science of Yoga. 


Pre-dive/Post-dive Yoga classes teach you to breathe, relax, concentrate, and stretch in preparation for diving.

Dives are conducted in small groups with experienced PADI professionals.

You will dive in an ecologically responsible and sensitive way whilst enjoying the serene beauty of the aquatic underworld.


YogaNdive approach brings us to incredible close encounters with nature and helps us feel stillness, relaxation, improves general fitness, purify blood, helps to regulate the nervoussystem and balance the glandular system.


The water's healing properties cleanse, purify, and soothe the mind and body, making it a vital element in our journey towards wellness and inner peace. While practicing Yoga and Diving, one is able to live fully in the present moment.  

This natural meditative state while diving helps us to understand meditation better which is one of the limbs of yoga practice.




"when we can control our breathing we can control the mind. "


Controlled Breathing 

slower our breathing rate 
better result in air consumption /improving lung capacity


better buoyancy skills

steady breathing/longer bottom time and improved quality of our dive

improve core stability, legs, hips

improve flexibility

reduce the risk of injury/general fitness

better dive

more prana


Beginners will learn diving in an open, respectful and natural way and receive a relevant PADI certification. 


Certified divers can improve their buoyancy skills and ability to observe the life underwater. For those who want to improve air consumption, the breathing exercises in Yoga, are ideal for improving lung capacity and encouraging effective, continious synchronized breathing which will calm the mind and ultimately extend your dive time.


Yoga can significantly reduce your risk of injury. Specific exercises can improve core stability, working on the lower back to protect it from the trauma of tanks and weight belts. Targeting the legs and hips can improve your finning technique, improve your flexibility and fitness to making diving a whole lot easier.


The course has also helped many to overcome their fears. All diving groups are small so that our instructors can spend as much time with each student as required.

It is suitable for everybody  divers and non-divers,  yoga practitioners and beginners.









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